Improving the health of underserved populations through proven methods and new ideas
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Stories for Change (S4C) La deteccíon temprana puede salvar vidas

Disparities exist in the screening rates for breast, cervical and colorectal cancers between Hispanic and non-Hispanic White populations. Hispanic immigrants and/or individuals who have limited-English proficiency also experience additional vulnerabilities that contribute to this disparity. Culturally tailored interventions are needed to address breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer disparities among this population.

Stories for Change: La deteccion temprana puede salvar vidas is a digital storytelling intervention aimed to improve breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer screening rates among Hispanic, Spanish speaking individuals. Storytellers from the Rochester, MN area Hispanic community were invited to participate in a storytelling workshop, facilitated by StoryCenter, to create digital stories related to their own or a loved one’s experience with breast, cervical or colorectal cancer screening.

The next phase for this project is to develop the storytelling intervention which will be pilot tested in the clinical setting.


Mayo Clinic

Mark Wieland